Curators Choice – Mabel Peacock’s Playscripts

Mabel Peacock was one of seven children born to Edward and Lucy Peacock of Bottesford Manor. Along with other members of her family, including her father Edward, Mabel was interested in Lincolnshire folklore and the local dialect. As well as working on the Peacock word cards and catalogues that recorded the Lincolnshire dialect, Mabel published original short stories and poems and re-telling’s of folktales and customs.

The Museum’s Peacock Collection contains a wide range of family papers, including diaries, research notes, letters, notebooks and photographs as well as Lincolnshire dialect cards. There are also six playscripts thought to have been written by Mabel. The plays relate to Mabel’s interests, featuring Lincolnshire dialect and folktales.

With thanks to Tim Davies for sharing his knowledge and expertise regarding Mabel Peacock during the development of this Curators Choice film.

In this video, Dynamic Collections Project Officer Jenny Kirton takes a closer look at the playscripts, which were written by Mabel Peacock.

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