Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS)

The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) is a national programme managed by the British Museum and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales. North Lincolnshire Museum is a regional partner. This is a voluntary recording scheme for archaeological objects found by members of the public. Many of these are found by metal detector users. Others are chanced upon by people while at work, gardening or out walking. Archaeology is a limited resource. It is important to record these finds and their locations before the information is lost.

Northern Lincolnshire’s Finds Liaison Officer is available to identify and record your finds, whether it’s a single item or a small collection. The Finds Liaison Officer can record finds found anywhere in England or Wales. Perhaps you have had a some things in a ‘scrap box’ for a few years you think may be interesting. If so, make an appointment to bring them in. The Finds Liaison Officer will book in the finds and give you a receipt. You will be given a realistic estimate of how long it will take to identify and record the finds. The finds will be photographed and the details entered onto the national PAS Database. The find will then be returned to you.

The Finds Liaison Officer is available by appointment on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays for the handing in and returning of finds. Please contact the Museum to make an appointment.

    For the current government advice on searching for archaeological finds with a metal-detector or field walking, in England during Covid-19 please see Guidance on Searching for Archaeological Finds in England During Covid-19

    Treasure Finds

    In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, all finders of gold and silver objects, and groups of coins from the same find, over 300 years old, have a legal obligation to report such items under the Treasure Act 1996. Prehistoric base-metal assemblages found after 1st January 2003 also qualify as Treasure. By law any finds identified as Treasure under the Treasure Act 1996 must be reported to the appropriate district Coroner within 14 days of being found. Finders of Treasure in England and Wales should contact their local Finds Liaison Officer for help in reporting the find. If you think you may have found an item of Treasure, please contact us to make an appointment with the Finds Liaison Officer. For more information and advice about what constitutes Treasure under the Act and the Treasure process, please see The Treasure Act.

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