Aimed at adults with additional needs, Museum Makers is a group for those who want to get closer to history. Sessions involve handling objects, using crafts and art to interpret them, and having conversations about our connections to the objects.
Museum Makers will be creating work, inspired by the collections, to be displayed in North Lincolnshire Museum.
As part of our aim to bring the stories of underrepresented groups into the museum displays, we would love to collect your history, show your work, and reinterpret the collections on display, all guided by you!
Sessions are located in our Community Gallery on the first floor of the Museum, which is accessible by stairs and lift.
Sessions take place on Wednesdays at 10.30am – 12.00pm.
Free, no need to book.
Museum Makers is funded by the Arts Council England. Find out more about the Museum Makers and co-curation at North Lincolnshire Museums in this short film.