Booking School Workshops
To make sure you have the best experience with your class, the maximum group size is 36.
The number of adults that we require varies with each workshop, so please ask when you book your visit.
Once you have booked, you will receive a resource pack for your chosen workshop with your booking confirmation. The resource pack includes information about your workshop, risk assessments and suggested activities for after your visit.
Please sign and return the booking confirmation at least two weeks before the date of your visit. You will receive an invoice after your workshop once final pupil numbers have been confirmed.
Booking for our workshops is essential. A free teacher pre-visit is strongly recommended to discuss any special requirements or additional learning outcomes.

“Information given was age appropriate and very clear. Safety information was given to both children and adults. Session was very ‘hands on’ and was inclusive for all the children.”
Teacher on It’s a bugs Life Workshop.
For more information or to discuss bookings please email, call 01724 296039 or use the form below: